Please complete the following information for the website listing:
Organization: (required)
Year Program Started: (required)
Program Name (if different):
Address: (required)
City: (required)
State: (required)
Zip: (required)
Phone: (required)
Email: (required)
Website: (required)
Target Populations Served:
Geographic Service Area:
Participant Eligibility restrictions (if any):
Fees charged to participants (if any):
To be listed on the website we need to know if your program meets our criteria. Please check each of the following statements if true:
Our Program:
Is a non-profit 501(c)3 under IRS rules or operating under the umbrella of a non-profit corporation.
Is a homesharing match-up program with agency staff or volunteers who are trained to screen program applicants which may include a one-on-one process of interviews, background and reference checks.
Is a one-on-one matching service between people who have an extra room in their home with those who are looking for housing.
Assists Home Sharing matches define a Home Sharing Match Agreement.
Provides follow-up support to Home Sharing matches.
Our goals are consistent with the goals of NSHRC including, but not limited to, fair housing laws.
We understand we are responsible to notify NSHRC of any changes to the information above so that the website listing can be kept up to date.
Signature: (name will constitute a digital signature, required)
Date: (required)
Contact Person for questions by NSHRC (required, not public)
Contact Phone Number (required, not public)
Contact Email (required, not public)
Input this code:
Please press the Send button below. NSHRC will invoice you or if requested, provide you with the NSHRC paypal account information.