April 11, 2013

New shared housing project for young people in Barnet

Young people who become homeless in Barnet will be rewarded for contributing to the community through a new house-share scheme by social landlord Barnet Homes. The […]
April 2, 2013

3 On Your Side: Shared Housing On The Rise

Let’s face it, the cost of living in the U.S. is expensive and isn’t getting any cheaper! To save money and pool resources many people have […]
April 1, 2013

High rents drive demand for home-sharing

Anyone who has tried to find a rental on the Midpeninsula recently knows that rents seem higher than ever locally — a fact confirmed by a […]
February 7, 2013

Shared Housing Advice for Older Gays and Lesbians

Social isolation is a major problem facing many older LGBT adults. Most lack the family support systems enjoyed by heterosexuals; they’re twice as likely to be […]
December 5, 2012

Shared Housing and Food Stamps Rose in 2011

The number of adults living in shared housing and the number receiving food stamps increased since before the beginning of the recession through 2011, but the […]
December 5, 2012

Co-Housing Making a Comeback as Aging in Place Model for Boomers?

Home sharing, also called co-housing, is nothing new—but the model may experience a resurgence across the country, and seniors are on the front lines of the […]
November 30, 2012

Shared housing with non relatives on the rise

As a member of the board of Whidbey Island Share a Home (W.I.S.H.) it comes as no surprise that more and more non-relative and non-spouse and […]
October 16, 2012

Share and share alike

St Ambrose Housing Aid Center, based in an attractive town house on a quiet residential road seems a world away from the Baltimore of gungs and […]
October 9, 2012

Sharing a home to stay at home

Three years after her husband passed away, Joyce Daniels knew she’d had enough of living alone. So she went about finding the right roommate with assistance […]